Selected Publications
Ndira, S., Ssebadduka, D., Niyonzima, N., Sewankambo, N.K., Royall, J. Tackling Malaria in Mifumi Village: A Report on a Concerted Effort by Healthcare Providers, the Community, and Information Experts. African Health Sciences, ‎Vol 15, No 1 (2015)
Royall, J. and Lyon, B. Sea-change or Change Challenge? Health Information Access in Developing Countries. The U.S. National Library of Medicine Experience. African Health Sciences, September 2011.
Siegel, E.R., Royall, J., Scott, J.C. (2010). The Revolution in Electronic Communication and Public Health, Oxford Textbook of Public Health, Fifth Edition.
Royall, J. Strategies for Positive Outcomes: Can Information Technology Make a Difference in Health in Africa. in Strategy for the Future of Health, R.G. Bushko (Ed.). lOS Press, 2009.
Siegel, E.R.,Wood, F.B.. Scott, J.C., Royall, J. Web-based public health information dissemination and evaluation, Oxford Textbook of Public Health, Fifth Edition 2009.
Royall, J., Bennett, M., van Schayk, I., Kamau, N., Alilio, M. (2005). Crossing the digital divide: the contribution of information technology to the professional performance of malaria researchers in Africa. African Health Sciences, 5, 3, 246-254.
Royall, J. (2005). Faces of Change. American Journal of Public Health, 95, 4, 559-561.
Royall, J., Bennett, M., van Schayk, I., Alilio, M. (2004). Tying up Lions: the first chapter of a malaria research communications network in Africa. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 7 (Suppl 2), 259-267.
Royall, J. (2003). David Ofori-Adjei – building bridges for health care and research in Ghana (interview). The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 3, 4, 251-254.
Siegel, E.R., Royall, J., Scott, J.C. (2001). The Revolution in Electronic Communication and Public Health, Oxford Textbook of Public Health, Fourth Edition.
Royall, J., Siegel, E.R., and Bennett, M. (2001). Wires, Webs, and MIMcom.Net. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 30: 59-63.
Royall, J., Sadowsky, G. (2000). Report on a Colloquium on Sustainability and Access to Health Information: Critical Assessment of Practical Uses of Information Technology in the Developing World. Harvard School of Public Health, May 31, 2000.
Presentations by Julia Royall
The Journalist, the Germ, the Test Tube and the Public
Presented May 21, 2008 to Uganda Health Communication Alliance, KampalaThe Change Challenge of Information-Technology Infrastructure: Are there positive outcomes or is everything just louder and faster?
Presented May 19, 2008 at Keystone Syposium on Challenges of Enhancing Biomedical Infrastructure in Africa, Speke Resort & Conference Center, KampalaMay 8, Kampala, Genes and Genomes in the Tropics
NLM's Commitment to MIM: Past, Present, Future
Presented March 10, 2008 to Multilateral Initiative on Malaria/Tropical Disease Research task force on malaria research capability strengthening in Africa at Addis Ababa, EthiopiaFebruary 20, Gulu University Faculty of Medicine Power Point (PDF)
December 18, 2007 Presentation to NIH & NLM Staff at Lister Hill Center, Bethesda, MD
On-Line Health Information Training Sessions
Poster for Training Sessions (customizable PDF)
A Report on Information Literacy Training Sessions, March-April 2008
A Report on Information Literacy Training Sessions, February 2008
List of Participants 2/23/2008 at Albert Cook Medical Library
Gulu, March 2008:
Presentation: Mental Health & Internal Displacement in Northern Uganda, Thomas Oyok
Presentation: Innovation in Research: Ecosystem Approach Context, Prof. Joseph Okello-Onen
Presentation: Proposal Writing for Competitive Grant Systems, Prof. Joseph Okello-Onen
Presentation: Research Approval Guidelines and Policy by UNCST, Dr. Emilio Ovuga
Presentation: Resource Mobilization, Prof. Joseph Okello-Onen
Presentation: Guidelines for Clinical Trials in Uganda, Jasper Ogwal-Okeng
April 15, 2008 Meeting
Minutes from April 15 Meeting (MS Word)
Narrative of April 15 Meeting (MS Word)
March 19, 2008 Meeting
Presentation: Why COBES? from Dr. Isaac Okullo
WHO Slides from 2006 World Health Report from Dr. Isaac Okullo
Presentation: Welcome to Mifumi Health Centre sent by Simon Ndira
Presentation: Mifumi sent by Simon Ndira
Mifumi Project
Kabale University
Dr. Moses Kamya, April 29, 2008
MedlinePlus for Africa
MedlinePlus for Africa Syllabus (Powerpoint) (PDF)
Audio tracks from MedlinePlus for Africa malaria tutorial: