Photo of Julia with Students - 2008
African Health Services

When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion - NLM’s work in information technology and health in Africa, 1997–2011

While living in Uganda in 2007-8 as a Fulbright Scholar, I wrote a blog – an almost daily narrative with photographs - for anyone who might be interested in following my activities. 

In looking back over my blog over 15 years later, I thought it might be of general use to students who are going to work (or would like to work) in Africa.  I hope it might also interest a wider audience in the fields of ICT, global health, and development.  Caveat:  This blog is nothing more or less than a personal snapshot in time of my experience in Uganda as a Fulbright Scholar.

To position the blog in time and space, I include background information on my earlier work with SatelLife and HealthNet - the first health information delivery service in sub-Saharan Africa.  Groundwork at SatelLife prepared me for the challenge of initiating and directing the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria Communications Network (MIMCom) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health. 

Blog entries – narrative and photos - are arranged chronologically for the most part.  The whole reads like a journal, sometimes a scrapbook, at other times a diary – the personal journey of one specialist in the fields of health information and IT in Africa.  I include real time news of disease outbreaks; the ups and downs of a peace process in Northern Uganda after 20 years of civil war; voices and places both well-known and unknown; friendships with colleagues in the university and in the village; my student team as they blossom with newfound ICT tools in the larger world of global health; the realities - the joys and challenges - of working in Uganda.

In retrospect, I find myself thinking over all that has happened in the interim - the things that have changed and those things that never change.

Julia Royall
September 2024
Dubois, Wyoming and Washington, DC

Appendix and Supporting Documents

Muzungu in the Mist

Artwork by Ronnie Ogwang 
