Exploring a Business Case for High-Value Continuing Professional Development: A Workshop
On April 6-7, 2017, Julia took part in “Exploring a Business Case for High-Value Continuing Professional Development: A Workshop” in Washington, DC for the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. Video links are below.
Constituency for Africa Forum
On February 6, 2015 the Constituency for Africa hosted a forum, “Identifying Gaps in Healthcare Infrastructure & Systems in Africa: Time to Act,” at the African Union Mission in Washington, DC. In this video Julia Royall presents the thoughts of Prof. Francis Omaswa, CEO of the African Centre for Global Health and Social Transformation (ACHEST) and formerly Director General for Health Services in Uganda’s Ministry of Health. Julia serves on the CFA’s African Healthcare Infrastructure committee.
Enhancing Capabilities of Medical Librarians in Africa
Video of a presentation to the Network of African Medical Librarians (NAML) at the 2012 MEPI Symposium in Addis Ababa.
Makerere Students Interview
Excerpts from Julia’s 2007 interview with Makerere medical students Nixon Niyonzima, William Lubega and Nelson Igaba.